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  • Writer's pictureChristie

Snack Hacks

Everyone loves snacks! These are great opportunities to fill in little tummies until the next eating opportunity. I sometimes feel like my sole job as a parent is dealing with all.the.snacks all.the.time.

As a dietitian, it’s one of the things I get asked most. What can I give for an afterschool snack? Is a bedtime snack ok? All my kid will eat is snacks. Why do they want soooo many snacks?!?! Snack Attack!

Parents decide WHEN the snack is offered, usually at the midpoint between one meal and the next. Parents decide WHAT food is offered for the snacks. Sitting down at the table is the best place for a snack. (also mama, you need snacks and a break too, so sit, eat & ENJOY)

Here's my basic snack formula: Serve 2 foods.

Let’s call them Snack Combos 😉

Here are a couple combo ideas:

-1 food kid wants + 1 food mom wants

-kids favourite food + new food

-fibre + protein

-have a theme: “orange” fish crackers + “orange” slices

Remember it’s the child jobs to decide if or HOW MUCH they eat. So if they don't take the orange slices this time around, it’s all good.

My last tip is about packaging. Find foods that you serve that come in a package: cookies, bars, fish crackers, yogurt. I’d highly suggest taking it out of the package and putting it in something else. This can make it easier to make small changes in the future.


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