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  • Writer's pictureChristie

Recipe for when there's NO TIME for a Nutritious Breakfast

Updated: Jul 8, 2022

Bulk or batch cooking oatmeal is an easy way to have breakfast on hand to "reheat and eat" for busy mornings. The following recipe for Crockpot Pumpkin Oats can be gluten and dairy free, as long as you choose a gluten free pure oat. We love Bob's Red Mill Oats around here. YES! Oats, flax and buckwheat can be eaten on a gluten free diet. Although buck'wheat' sounds like it would contain wheat and gluten, it's actually a pseudo-grain that is related to the rhubarb plant.

Oats are packed with poop-making and cholesterol-lowering fibre. The pumpkin also adds fibre and nutrients likes Vitamin A (eyesight), potassium (keeps fluid in cells, helps muscles contract, supports blood pressure) Vitamin C and antioxidants (cancer prevention).

Body Cues

Your kids might like to experiment with how long different breakfasts keep them full. When they eat cold cereal and milk ... how long after does their tummy say it's hungry again. What happens when they eat oats or an egg ... when does their tummy start talking about snack time? Alternatively, they can see if different breakfasts give them more or less energy. If heading to the park after a breakfast like oats how do their legs and arms feel, can they play for longer, what about emotions (like the hangry emotion 😣)? Even though their answers might not be what you'd expect, this type of interoception and reflection is a good way of teaching kids it's important to listen to their bodies.

This is a recipe for a weekend while you are at home, but don't want to slave over a hot stove. But if no one is looking ... you can say you slaved over a hot stove if you want.

Crockpot Pumpkin Oats

Ingredients you will need:

  • 2 cups large flake or steel cut oats

    • option to add 1/4 c each ground flax & buckwheat

  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • 1 tsp ginger

  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg

  • 1/3 cup chia seeds

  • 1 can pumpkin puree

  • 4 cups soy milk (or other milk of choice)

  • 4 cups water

-Make sure your crockpot is big enough to hold all the liquid plus a bit more (8+ cups)

-Add all the ingredients to a large crockpot. Stir the dry ingredients really well, then stir in the pumpkin. Lastly add the liquid and stir again.

-Cook on low for 4-6 hours. You will need to give it a stir every hour or so to prevent it from drying out.

-will keep in the fridge for 4-5 days, if it lasts that long. YUM!

-Scoop out a serving on a busy morning, re-warm in the microwave

-Top with milk, yogurt, berries, cut up peaches or granola for crunch.

-If you have a hesitant taster a little 'self-added' swirl of maple syrup or sprinkle of brown sugar can go a long way

-Extra tummy filling power if served with a boiled egg on the side



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